Grand Island Lions Board Meeting Minutes 2017

Grand Island Lions Club BOD meeting 1-11-2017

LP Dick Crawford relayed a phone call from VP Henry Lobl.  Lion Henry does not feel that it is right to serve as the club president as he is gone 3 months of our calendar year. The possibility of having the President serve for 2 years was also presented.  Would the constitution need to be changed?  Decided that this is not necessary, the same person could just be nominated again for a second term if desired. Some members felt that a one-year commitment is easier to manage.
Lion Brooks brought up the idea of switching the calendar year, meaning that we do not meet during the Months of Jan, Feb and March as many of our members are out of town.  This idea has merit and should be considered, or the first VP would just take over for the meetings that the president is not available as we have done in the past.

Discussion on the $500 donation.  Lion Henry has written in his feelings to the club.  Lion Tom W made a motion that the money goes to the General Fund as it can be transferred to the Welfare Fund if needed.  The donators did not specify what they would like it to go to.  There is a suggestion to purchase cleaning supplies and shelving for the Loan closet.  Discussion on motion then Seconded by Lion Anne, vote; all in favor, motion passed. 

Motion to adjourn Lion Brooks, seconded by Bob Goulding, all in favor, meeting adjourned 8:49 PM
Submitted by Lion Donna Lavallee

Grand Island Lions Club Board Meeting 3-08-2017

 11 in attendance:  LP Dick, Fred, Tom W, Tom R, Shelia, Anne, Kelly, Bob, Brooks, Paul, and Donna
Slate of officers for 2017-2018.  We spoke about Lion Henry requesting that he withdraw, but we would like him to stay on and the club will cover the 3 months that the Lobl’s are in Florida.

Lion President Elect: Henry Lobl
1st President:  Shelia Ferrentino
2nd VP- open
Corresponding Secretary:  Kelly McGarvey
Recording Secretary:  Donna Lavallee
Treasurer:  Tom Witkowski
Directors:  1-year directors; Brooks Rimes and Paul Krupa
                    Lion Bob Gouding and Lion Anne Fahning
Lion Fred was nominated for 2nd vice president and will consider.  LP Dick will contact Lion Dave and Lion Norm on their possible interest in serving a position.
Once the slate is set, Lion Kelly will send out via email and we will vote at the next meeting, nominations will be open from the floor.

Centennial Program: We have received 2 of the 4 awards, Youth and Vision. We need to complete hunger and environment.  Program was distributed to the board.  We will organize a cleanup from the side of the road from 10-noon on a Saturday. LP Dick will find a location and find a date in May. We can also plant a tree in the common public areas in the town.  LP Dick will get an application for planting a tree in Veterans Park.

Lion Bob:  for the good of the club, Articles in the national newsletter are approximately 1 year old; therefore some projects written about are not possible.

The $70 donation; suggestion that the funds go to the General fund, a motion by Tom R that the funds to the General Fund, seconded by Lion Anne, vote, all in favor, motion passed.

Loan closet has been cleaned out and organized. LP Dick had some town employees build hangers for walkers and other items to be kept off the floor.  It looks great.

Lion Brooks will download an application for Charles Sperrazza.

Merritton meeting:  4/26.  The Niagara Sailing Club charges $125 for using the facility and a cleaning fee.  Therefore we could look into having the meeting at the Radisson on burger night, with limited toppings.  LP Dick will talk to the management at the Radisson. 

Booster night at Dick and Jenny’s?  Lion Kelly will let them know that it will be 5/3, we will have these available at the Spaghetti Dinner to hand out.

Motion to adjourn Lion Tom W, seconded by Lion Shelia, all in favor, meeting adjourned 9:07 PM


The Board of Directors meeting 5/24/2017 was called to order  at 8:54 pm

Lion Tom W talked about matching funds from International for a camera. He suggested a Go Fund Me page to raise money. After some discussion Lion Henry moved, and Lion Kelly seconded a motion to research a Go Fund Me page and be sure we have District approval. The motion was passed.
Lion Tom W moved and Lion Anne seconded that we reserve $4,000 towards the cost of the SKP.It was agreed to unanimously.
The application of Cindy Sharpe for membership was approved after Lion Bob moved, Lion Tom W seconded and the board voted unanimously.
A scholarship awarded last year was not accepted by the recipient, so this year we will have $3,000 to award. That includes $450 the Adrian Pollock fund and $500 from last year. The board voted for this resolution after a motion was made by Lion Tom W and seconded by Lion Fred. The motion passed.
Lion Tom W. moved that we take a table at the Taste of Grand Island, as we did last year. We will sell desserts. Lion Tom R seconded. The motion passed. The event will be held on September 25th from 12-8 pm.
The Finger Lakes Region has asked for a donation for the Lions Hearing Foundation. Lion Tom R moved, and Lion Henry seconded, that we take a % of the proceeds from our Taste Of Grand Island booth to donate to that cause. The motion passed.
Motion to adjourn was made by Lion Anne and seconded by Lion Bob at 9:35pm

Respectfully submitted,
Lion Anne Fahning

Grand Island Lions Club
Board of Directors Meeting
July 12, 2017

Attendance: (13 in attendance) Tom Witkowski, Henry Lobl, Annette Lobl, Dick Crawford, Shelia Ferrentino, Paul Bassette, Donna Lavallee, Dave Chervinsky, Brooks Rimes, Tom Rusert, Bob Goulding, Anne Fahning, Paul Krupa

Lion President Henry Lobl called the meeting to order at 7:20 PM.


Items for discussion:

1. Old Business: Lion Dick gave Lion Tom W a $50 check from Steve Steck who needed a wheel chair. 3 other items were loaned out.
2. Treasurers report: Close of the fiscal year: Member were emailed the treasurers report.
a. 10 placement ads that need to be paid. 
b. Donations as of 6/30 we received a $25 from Richard and Becky Stufkovsky. Donations from the public are to go to the Welfare, however, if the donation specifies that the donation be for “the good of the club”, in writing, it can then go into the General fund.
c. As of now Lions international new member fee is $35. 
d. As chairman of the finance committee Lion Tom W was asked to find members that he would like to serve with him on this committee. 
e. Treasurer webinar takeaways: the necessity of an annual audit was stressed; this was our second year without an audit we need to have this completed this year. A deadline date will be determined with the finance committee.
f. We now have on the website a modifiable letter that can be given whenever we receive a donation. Kelly McGarvey will be in charge of this. Lion Tom W needs a copy of the letter that was issued.
3. Corresponding:
· Three donations in memorial of Mrs. Cap. Vision and hearing was a passion of hers.   Checks for $100 that states, “to be used as you see fit”.  $75 from a son’s company in California.  $60 Cathy Mulhern and family in Clifton Park. 
· An invitation was sent to our club for a night at Batavia Downs.
· A centennial pin to Lion Henry.
4. SKP: Lion Annette: We have 1100 children and caregivers attending. All the regulars with the exception of the football players due to a conflict.  We need some help with the lifting.  Set up committee will be setting up the tents mid day, Tuesday.  There is a meeting tomorrow with the BLC.  Suggestion regarding the bus will have the form filled out with the bus count enroute, this will hopefully speed of the process. Bernie Tollner will take care of the condiments.

New Business:
Report on the scholarship winners; Lion Paul Bassette
a. Mary Elizabeth Rustowicz was our $1000 winner.
b. Sarah Swagler $750
c. Jillian Worrell $750
d. Olivia Turk $500
St. Timothy’s church changed their policy regarding the donation from Allen Pollack for the scholarship fund. He has been sent a letter.  Lion Paul will send him a copy of the donation letter to see if he would like to continue to donate using this letter.  Lion President Henry would like our club to inform him that we are a 501 C4 organization.  He can then ask his tax advisor for guidance. If this funding discontinues from Allen Pollack the scholarship committee monies may need to be readjusted to $2000 unless the board votes otherwise. Pictures for the scholarship winners will be after 8/6/17.

Lion Paul B will continue to chair the scholarship committee and the Peace Poster committee.
New Business
KOC chicken Dinner on 7/15/17. They have given a donation of $450, and depending on how successful they may make another donation.
Lion Dick made a motion the Couples Picnic be moved to Sunday 7/23 seconded by Anne Fahning, 6 in favor, 1 abstain, 2 opposed. Vote passed.  McMahon’s will provide food. Cost will most likely be $15 per person; members will bring an appetizer or a dessert.  Meet at the dock at 4 PM dinner at 5PM, boat ride to follow.

Induction of the new member Cindy Sharpe at the first meeting. We will also be honoring Henry Kammerer of the Grand Island Neighbors Foundation.

There will be a meeting forth coming with the BLC and The Radisson regarding meals.

Lion Henry addressed the board regarding the future of the club in regards to societal trends, declining membership and member involvement and commitment. We will be coming up with a plan for the next 3-5 years.  There was a question brought up on whether should the by laws be changed to reflect the changing trends.  A formal approach will be adopted and we will do a SWOT analysis. Then we can come up with an action plan.  LP Henry will collect everyone’s ideas and this will be discussed at the seconded meeting of September.

Opening positions: 
Phone tree:  Chairman: Lion Paul Krupa, support persons, Cindy Sharpe and Tom DiJohn.
White cane Chairman:  8/18-8/19, 2017 Lion Henry and Lion Annette will chair this fundraiser this year. We need to have someone transition into chairing this event. A sign up sheet through email will be available. 
Lion SEE Chairman Lion Tom W
Eyeglass collection – Lion Bob Goulding
Christmas Party Chairman – Brooks will ask Brenda to consider organizing this.
Communications:  Lion Dave, with Lion Shelia and Lion Tom W supporting.
Membership chair:  open
We will wait until after the SWOT analysis to fill the opening positions 2nd VP and 3 rd VP
Program coordinator:  Lion Bob Goulding
Upcoming Meetings
Sept 13 meeting – induction
Sept 27 – speaker, Lion Bob has an idea
Oct 11 meeting SWOT analysis
Motion to move the Carline donation to welfare funds; Lion Tom W. seconded by Lion Paul, all in favor.
Next Board meeting will be in August, TBD
Motion to adjourn Lion Anne, seconded Lion Paul
Meeting adjourned 8:56 PM
Respectively submitted: Donna Lavallee


Grand Island Lions Club
Board of Directors Meeting
August 23, 2017

Attendance: (12 in attendance) Henry Lobl, Annette Lobl, Dick Crawford, Tom Rusert, Tom Witkowski, Bob Goulding, Paul Bassette, Kelly McGarvey, Brooks Rimes, Paul Krupa, Donna Lavallee

Lion President Henry Lobl. Called the meeting to order at 7:36PM.

Items for discussion:

· Old Business: Lion Dick, we received a check from Mike Cap in memory of his Mother, thank you notes were sent out to acknowledge the donations $150 total and a check covering the cost of a placemat ad. 
· Domain issue, Isle de Grande has been paying for our domain address, www.gilions for over 20 years. They have requested that the club pay the expense. Lion Dick made a motion that we pay $18/per year to maintain the domain name.  Seconded by Lion Henry, discussion, Lion Dick will check on this and will get this taken can of.  All in favor, motion passed.
· Treasurers Report Lion Tom W.:  A copy of the TR was disbursed for review.  Balances were reviewed.  We still have not received a bill from the Radisson for the spaghetti dinner.  Some placement ads may be forthcoming. Lion Henry offered to ask about this.
o SKP went $145 over budget.  Should we budget more?
o Popcorn is $160 perhaps we can save some money here
o Taste of GI September 23 from noon to 8
o White cane financials $2905 was raised, every slot was filled, very successful!  Thank you Lion Henry and Lion Annette.  Lion Dick suggested we ask Norm Brady from Fuccillo to see if we can get their involvement.  Should we ask Colleen Furnia to join the club?
o Bon Ton book sales check was received. Lion Tom has been in contact with Lions legal department on accepting monies from coupon books, etc, resale of coupons books to the public and they get resold, those monies should technically be put in the welfare account.  If members buy it can be allocated to the general fund.  We should keep track of who sold books.
o GI Candidates night 10-17-17, we are sponsoring this by providing insurance; perhaps we can have our banner displayed.

Budget committee will be: Lion Tom, Lion Dick, and Lion Henry
A check was received from HSBC for $35; this money will be put in our general account
General account concerns:  we are running out of money.  Dinners are running $30 per meal to cover guests etc.  Lion Tom is suggesting that each member contribute an extra $12 one time per year to help cover expense and the annual dues increased to $80.   There are other possibilities for places to eat to save money.  These options may be considered.

· Corresponding Secretary’s report:
o Letters of support, Webster’s Lions club for the Empire state games, we did donate $100 last year.
o Music for the Blind, business cards to promote their cause.
o Kelly received an email from the Lion’s club; a patch is also available for $3.95 to glue them on to a vest instead of a pin for $26.95.  This is an option to save money.  Another option is to purchase used pins on Ebay.
o Bon Ton Books will be Nov 8- 11

· White cane sale:  Lion Henry $2905, 17 members anticipated and 2 significant others, a lot of credit to the club.
· List of future meetings was distributed. We will give 2 weeks notice to the vendor if the club will not be using the facility.
· The first meeting of September 13 will be honoring Henry Kammerer as a Melvin Jones, and induction of Cindy Sharpe. 
· Merritton meeting on 10-11-17, alternative dinner options will be explored.
· Lion Tom R has applications for 4 members to be accepted.  Lion Paul K made a motion to accept these 5 new members, seconded by Lon Brooks, all in favor

A review of future dates for meetings in 2017 and 2018.  Lion Dick will check on the possibility of using the Moose Club for the Merrittan meeting.
LP Henry would like to keep the cost under $25.

LP Henry would like more responses for the SWOT analysis.  Discussion was held on making the SWOT analysis to be as positive as possible.  Involvement of new members in the club is key after the first few meetings encourage involvement.  We need to find balance, find out what new members want to do.  Present a list of possible contributions.
New Business:
Lion Paul:  Alan Pollack will probably not contribute the money to St. Timothy’s due to the conflict of interest, suggestions were made, and options were not likely possible due to 501 C3

Lion Dick:  Zonta is doing a project for women on safe houses, small purses with personal items to give to these women.  This topic will be brought up at the first meeting when there are more members present.

Motion to adjourn by Lion Kelly, seconded by Lion Bob:  Meeting adjourned: 9:15 PM
Submitted by Lion Donna Lavallee

Grand Island Lions Club Board Meeting
September 27, 2017
Meeting called to order at 8:55 PM

8 in Attendance   LP Henry Lobl, Lion Anne Fahning, Lion Tom Witkowski, Lion Tom Lion Paul Krupa, Lion Fred Ruocco, Lion Bob Goulding, Lion Dick Crawford, Lion Donna Lavallee

Approval of the 2017-2018 budget.  By laws state that the budget needs to be approved A motion was made by Lion Anne that the board approve the budget, seconded by Lion Paul.  A vote will sent out via email.  Discussion:  all in favor, motion passed.  The budget needs to be approved by at least 16 members

Meal options Lion Anne: 
· Merrittan meeting, Mallwitz bowling alley for $20 or less expensive could be $12 subs ad fries. 
· Winter meetings where there are less members 7-10 people Town Café $20 soup and salad bar, dinner, or members could just order off the menu. 
· Eldens is expensive.
· Moose Lodge with McMahons catering for the Merrittan meeting on 10/11/17. Hopefully we have not missed the board meeting for Moose so that they can vote to approve.  Lion Dick will inquire tomorrow.  Alternative would be Radisson. Members need to bring something for the raffle, wine is a problem.

Speaker suggestions for future meetings are welcome.

Question on meeting dates in the winter, dates will be confirmed.

Motion to adjourn: Lion Paul , Lion Tom W, all in favor.  Meeting adjourned 9:16 PM
Submitted  by Lion Donna Lavallee

BOD Meeting October 11th 2017 (email)

At the request of one of our board members, an ad hoc meeting was held to discuss and vote on what has become our sole sponsorship of the Candidates Night event. As there was not a quorum present, it was decided to vote on this via e-mail.  The vote resulted in a 9 votes to sponsor the event 2 votes not, 1 abstention and 1 non vote.
Submitted by Lion President Henry

Grand Island Lions Club Board Meeting October 25 2017

     LP Henry, Tom W., Kelly, Anne, Bob, Dick, Fred, Paul.
     Donation requests  for K-9 Helpers and ACS were discussed and denied. K-9 group has not had any         progress with issues and ACS has over 50% in ADM. Costs.
     Adjournement at 9:15 motion by Fred and second by Bob.
Submitted by Lion Annette

Board of Directors Meeting
November 08, 2017

Attendance:  9 LP Henry, Tom Witkowski, Fred Ruocco, Bob Goulding, Kelly McGarvey, Shelia Ferrentino, Anne Fahning, Dick Crawford, Donna Lavallee

Board meeting was called to order at 9 PM
Excalibur: a budgeted item $500
Music for the Blind:  Located in Ga. Not budgeted
Braille Group of Buffalo is on the budget.  $100

Docs Day for Kids:  Lion Tom R has asked to present to the club where the funds go.  We would like to know where the donations go; perhaps we could make our donation designation specific.  This information will be forthcoming if possible.

Motion to adjourn Lion Shelia, seconded Lion Dick.
Meeting adjourned 9:12 PM
Submitted by Lion Donna Lavallee
